getting to the three legged frog



So when we arived in Beijing in here were heaps of chinese taxi drivers all of them wanted to much China money finaly we hoped in one so we started driving and he didn’t know were he was driving so he kept on ringing his freinds and we think he was asking them in chinese if they knew were it was a funny thing about when he was talking he kept on saying bingwa of course we didn’t know what that ment.after a while we stopped of on some street I thought it looked creepy he hoped out of the car and he got a cigarette out and he said to russell if he wanted one he said no thanks then the taxi driver walked of in the dark and asked some people if they knew were the hostel was then he came back and stangly enough the hostel was right behind us so we caryed our bahs in and russell gave him taiwon money so he took it back a gave him chinese money then he left and we got the keys for our room and them we went fast asleep.

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