another walking day

yesterday I finally got to go into the forbidden city it was sooooooooooooooooooooo cool i got to se were the empires youst to sleep there beds wernt that royal looking i also got to se there thrones they looked soooo cool then after the forrbiden city we went and hade lunch it was good then we went home for abit then we went out again and we went for a 5 hour walk well thats what it felt like we went on that walk because we were trying to find deep fried scorpions i tried one it did’nt have a taste then we walked home and went to bed.



this is a panoramic of the forbidden city



this is me next to a statue and the forbidden city



this is one of the emperors thrones



this is me with a little girl



this is me at the wall of seven dragons



these are some fried insects at the donghuamen night market



these are the scorpions I tried

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