summer palace and stamp

Yesterday  i went to the summer palace it was  soooooooo cool there were HEAPS of trees and nature it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool there were also heaps of cool temples after a bit of walking then we went on a boat ride to a little island that hade some temples on it to so then we started walking and we crossed a brige of the island to the summer palace then we left the summer palace and we went to the subway and cought it home then we walked from the sub way station to our house but on the way russell saw a GIANT fish it had alot of bones in it but he still ate it the we went to the the restaurant that i wanted to go to so then i ate my food it was nice then i saw a cool shop so we went in i saw some stamps in there so i asked russell is could get one he said yes so I choosed one that i like then hte man started carving my name on there in chinese then he gave it to me and then we started walking home then we went to bed.

we also went to the shopping mall



this is me a having a photo with some aliens



this is me doing the splits outside the apple shop



this is me next to the artificial river at the summer palace



this is a photo of me outside the palace



this is me on the boat to the island



this is me next to some chinese names painted in water



this is my stamp and want is lookes like when you stamp it


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