Author: Kahu


Hello all today I was bored and I decided because my dad is a app developer and he is always talking about it I thought I would code a game using Swift 3 apples coding language to make apps with. That I would make a simple game which you all know called pong I just had to watch a tutorial… Read more →

Super car filled day!!

Yesterday  on Wednesday the 26th of April 2017 Russell and I went to Brisbane and went to a Ferrari !! shop we only went there because my favorite car is a Ferrari so we were there for a bit and then we had to pick someone up and on the way we saw a Lamborghini shop so we went in… Read more →

catching a fish

a couple of days ago i went to a little lagoon it was cool after some swimming i went back to land russell was fishing then he needed to go toilet so i took over the rod then a couple of minutes later I cought a fish then i showed russell he said it looked cool he took a photo… Read more →

last day in Beijing

today i went to the lama temple it was cool now were getting ready to go we also saw mao he looked really cool.   this is me at the building were mao is.   this is a picture at the old city gate.   this is me at the lama temple with all the incense   this is a… Read more →

summer palace and stamp

Yesterday  i went to the summer palace it was  soooooooo cool there were HEAPS of trees and nature it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool there were also heaps of cool temples after a bit of walking then we went on a boat ride to a little island that hade some temples on it to so then we started walking and we crossed… Read more →

zoo day and kung fu

yesterday went to the zoo it was cool i saw hippos and rhinos and a panda wich was sleeping and i saw some griffins and a gold eagle and about a (6) metre long snake! it was awesome and after that we went to a kung fu show it was terrific one of them smashed a  hard slat of concrete… Read more →

another walking day

yesterday I finally got to go into the forbidden city it was sooooooooooooooooooooo cool i got to se were the empires youst to sleep there beds wernt that royal looking i also got to se there thrones they looked soooo cool then after the forrbiden city we went and hade lunch it was good then we went home for abit… Read more →